المركز الإعلامي

ابقوا على اطلاع على آخر أخبار إنوڤا وتفاعلوا معنا خلال فعالياتنا الإقليمية المقبلة للقطاع.

Case Studies

TARSHID: Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA)

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia




Energy Performance


Govt. Facilities


The Challenge

The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) is tasked with urban planning for cities in KSA and the development of municipal and rural areas. Additionally, it oversees the management of services crucial for maintaining cleanliness and environmental health within the country. To enhance energy efficiency at its main headquarters in Riyadh, MOMRA sought assistance from Tarshid.

In 2020, Enova was awarded the contract for this project. Over the course of a year, Enova will retrofit MOMRA’s main office building, implementing Energy Conservation Measures. This ten-year agreement is projected to deliver guaranteed energy savings constituting 40%.


Enova’s Solution

As part of the Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) implemented to achieve the committed savings, Enova prioritized the replacement of air-cooled chillers and primary chilled water pumps with energy-efficient alternatives.

With Enova’s comprehensive know how on building engineering efficiencies – changes across the building’s systems delivered greater operational performance and reduced the client’s emissions.


Guaranteed Savings

4,200 tons

CO2 Emissions reduced each year


Enova's partnership with Tarshid and the delivery of an Energy Performance Contract with the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MOMRA) marks a significant stride towards enhancing energy efficiency in Riyadh. Through a meticulous retrofitting process and the implementation of nine targeted Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs), Enova is poised to deliver substantial benefits.


This ten-year agreement is projected to yield an impressive 40% guaranteed energy savings. The savings equates to over 4,200 tons of yearly CO2 emissions avoided – for context that’s equivalent to nearly 1,000 cars off the road for a year or over 66,500 trees grown for 10 years!


935 Cars

Taken off the road for a year, each year

69,447 Tree Seedlings

Planted each year and grown for 10 years

9,714 Barrels

of Oil Yearly consumption avoided